Make and Do
Didn't you just love it when you were younger when you used to do arts and crafts? Coloured paper, glitter, glue, buttons, beads, ribbons? I remember having a set of Childcraft encyclopedias with instructions and colourful photographs of wonderful handmade things. Most didn't even serve a purpose but I knew that I wanted to know how to make them anyway... Well here are my recent attempts of make and do. It was most enjoyable and deeply satisfying to end up with something pretty that I will actually use and that no one else will have. :)

I made these earrings using thick cardboard, masking tape, paste and newspaper, decopage paper, old earring parts, satin and thread
Ok, these are not the best earrings in the world but I think that it's not a bad start at all! The next pair will be better. I do, however, love my sunglasses! These are just a pair of ordinary sunglasses that I bought for 10cent and jazzed up with decopage paper!!

those earrings are adorable..very cool:)