
My name is Jill. I am a Clare girl, living in Dublin and working in Dublin City University in Irish language. 

This is a page dedicated to maintaining a positive outlook, inspired by the things I love: music, concerts and CDs; movies, musicals and chocolate; shoes, skirts and earrings; lipstick, eyeliner and nail varnish; airports, foreign lands and sight seeing; art, crafts and bargain hunting; family, friends and fun times.

The things we do, see, wear, watch, taste, hear and read can make us happy.

Feel free to leave me a comment, share a story, recommend a hobby! 

Jill x

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    My name is Enrique (Henry). I'm living in Lima, far away from Dublin :)
    Is the Irish language very different than English?
    Have a nice day :)


