Sunday, 30 September 2012

First full week at work finished...

...and not a cent to spare. Yes, you know you're officially an adult when you're financially restrained! It's killing me being back in Dublin and witnessing Summer (if one could call it that) turning to Autumn and not being able to avail of Penney's new line of knitwear, coats, scarves and hats.

Plus, I'm finding it difficult to dress like an adult. I don't really know that I'm obliged to, but I feel that new job=new life=new clothes-make sense? 
I'm being very harsh on myself this winter-my state of brokeness, in fairness, has forced me to be. So with no more than €30 spent on the very same cardigan in three different colours and a bit of imagination and cutting and pasting of my already bursting wardrobe, I am reinventing existing outifts to satisfy my urge to keep up with the seasons.

I'm not sure what you think of 70s retro being my interpretation of "adult" or "work" clothes; just go with it, it's keeping me happy....
Dress: €10, H&M
Shirt: €4, Charity Shop
Tights: €2, Primark
Boots: €20, Shoe Rack
Cardigan: €10, Penneys,
Gold chains: borrowed (permanently, from my mother)

Friday, 14 September 2012

Four New Things

A New Haircut: It's been a long time coming! My hair was out of control and had me going out of my mind and so, on a whim this morning I bit the bullet, rang the hairdresser and got my tired chestnut tresses revitalised. Phew.

 New knitwear: Winter is coming! I know! I felt the nip in the air! Got myself one in this berry red and also a mustard yellow- I love that crisp, fresh creeping of cold weather. It means a change of wardrobe-rich, earthy colours. Wools and leathers. Thick tights and over coats. Yum. (€10, Penneys)
New shoes: Bought in a state of desperation when my brouges sprung a leak on a particularly dreadful day and I needed a quick fix to keep my toties dry! I have lived in them since-a pleasant added value for my money :) (€15, Dunnes Stores)
A New Job: something that's putting a smile on my face of late. I start next Wednesday :)

Sunday, 2 September 2012

White, red and blue

I've noticed recently that my wardrobe is awash with three colours-red, white and blue. 
 I don't intentionally do this but in a funny twist it means that a lot of my clothes match! 

This colour combo is tricky-I would have immediately imagined sailor outfits, nautical themes or star spangled banners-but, in a unconscious effort and an obvious love of three strong colours, I seem to avoided this stereotype-I like to think of them as seasonless (if I can call that a word...)The bargain hunter inside me must be striving for the added value of having interchangable pieces as well as sales items-makes perfect sense really.
I don't quite have an event for such an outfit as this yet-it may do nicely for a formal do in the future. I do, however, have much blogging material so this will be the first of many white, red and blue ensembles.

Blouse-birthday present
Skirt-€5, Awear
Heels-€60ish, Schuh
Belt-second hand

Say hello to my new friend...

Red, shiney and new Canon SX150IS-has the zoom and picture quality of an SLR while fitting neatly an tidily into my handbag for adventures!

And I got it on sale! (how typical of me) €109.99 Argos

