Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Happy New Year ;)

Thought I'd get this year to a start by making a few resolutions and putting a start to my Spring/Summer wardrobe. What's that I hear you say-it's still January? It may still be frosty but those sun beams are having me creating looks, some of them brand new from my December clothes swap (a must for those of you who want to give your wardrobe a spring clean ;) )

So here's today's outfit-80s meets comic book nerd
(ideally I would be laid out on a stack of comics
but Look magazine was all I had to hand!)

New Year's resolutions never ever go well with me but I beleive they do some good, atleast in the first month or two of best intentions that is.....

1. Read more
currently reading Peter Pan :)
2. Update blog more often and gather a sizeable following (hopefully!)
3. Make every effort in my studies in the Irish & Journalism course I'm doing in college and find something that I'll really love doing with it ;)
4. More effort to meet old friends and socialise with close ones
5. The usual: eat well, exercise more, save money, earlier nights, blah, blah, blah...

Sweater-€13, Penneys (men section)
Dress- €10, Dunnes Stores
Sports Socks-Dunnes Stores
Comic pumps-€6, Penneys

1 comment:

  1. Actually I know exactly what you mean, except that I'm already creating not outfits, but make-up looks for spring.

    LOVE these socks over leggings <3


