Last night was my sister's birthday dinner. How fortunate that I have a spate of birthdays coming up this month giving me the chance to get all dolled up in my newly accquired pieces (through various events like clothes swap, shopping presents etc). Then I have my trip to New York to style myself for-yes you heard, New York, a five day college trip that is only days away at this stage, *squeaks with excitement*. My plan is to watch New York based movies every night until I leave on the 31st, namely; Breakfast at Tiffany's, You've Got Mail, Working Girl, Serendipity and others on the countless list of chick flick classics (Maitiú will be pleased!)
Anyway, back to the event at hand; Amy's birthday dinner. It was a lovely evening, pleasant meal, friendly company and of course the extra effort that my sister and I put into getting ready when it's for such an occassion;that means lipstick, heavily eyelined lids and curls. ;)

Playsuit-€7, Penneys
Tights-€8.99, New Look