Tuesday, 19 October 2010

College, Shoes and Dublin

Desk of my new room.

So it's almost 5 weeks since I've moved onto College Campus and still I have no blogging to show for it! I hope to have some photos of my new living space soon as well as photos of my efforts to explore the city more while also getting involved with more Clubs and Societies this year. I have joined Book Soc., Drama Soc., (already having auditioned for Christmas Panto and.... won a trip to BROADWAY!!!!!:D), Art Soc, Music Soc and Cumann Gaelach (Irish Soc.)

Meanwhile, in other news-I want to wear my heels more. The reasoning behind this is a combination of a few things:
a) I have so many shoes but never wear them as I feel I should be going out for the night or have a special occassion to wear them. This is madness as neither happen very much so I've decided this is not a good enough reason to let them gather dust.
b) When I do eventually get an occassion to wear my heels i am left crippled for days afterwards. Why is this? Well lack of practice of course!
c) They're so pretty!

Here is one pic of my first trial day with heels

Heels €12.50, Stradivarious

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