Thursday, 13 February 2014

Update/Valentine's Day Wishes

I have discovered that the art of baking is incredibly soothing! I find myself looking out for cake stands and icing utensils and cute, colourful edible sprinkles to embellish my creations ever since my tea party fundraiser (which by the way, has surpassed all my expectations and has gone on to raise just over €400! Thank you all!) Finding a new hobby is the best way to get over a low period, is what I've been told and I can't help believe that it's true! Red velvet cupcakes, I have no idea how I've gone this long without knowing of your existence. Those and Instagram, my new social media of choice and I'm not even remotely ashamed at the constant flow of filtered-snaps I post on a daily basis!

Since my previous entry I am doing so much better and I can't thank everyone enough for their messages of concern and support. I've come to realise that this whole mental health thing is still very much a journey of discovery and learning for me and I hope to keep you all informed of the trials, tribulations and triumphs along the way. So as I am now full of energy, perkiness and optimism I'm going to use Valentine's Day as a celebration of all that is good in my life (including cake, lots of cake). V-Day does not simply belong to couples, don't go making that mistake or you could miss out on some serious confectionery for yourself! (It also gives me the excuse to try out a new nail design for myself - I do study, I swear)

Finding nail painting and baking quite therapeutic lately
I've come to accept that my recent setback was akin to getting a cold or a flu. Just a minor illness that knocks you out of action for a small spell. There are different types of mental illness but also different degree to which they can affect your day-to-day living. Having cut out caffeine and alcohol and introducing more veg and exercise to my routine I am feeling better than ever, positively refreshed. And I feel I have learnt even more about myself (baking for example, who knew I was capable of such things!)

Anyway, this is just a quick post to say - "I love you", whoever you are and whatever role you play in my life. Thanks for reading and spread the love, I simply refuse to think of Valentine's Day as being a depressing lonely time just because there's no "other half" in your life, we all have friends and family, don't we? :)

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