Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Having a Ball

Graduation celebrations were done in style, with a beaded gown that I came across in a local secondhand shop for €70. But of course it was going to have to be a little bit glam-I'm a grown-up lady now don't you know!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Tuesday, 30 October 2012



Bitta paper-mache and one has herself a decent costume! 

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Bank Holiday

A few things I got up to for the Bank Holiday weekend...
My favourite album right now... crumble...

....and pumpkin carving!

Saturday, 20 October 2012


There's something about purple that fills me with an "inbetween" feeling of Halloween/Christmas (if I may be so bold as to mention the C-word so soon) It has all the festivness of sweet wrappers and coloured baubles as well as the ominous, smokey hocus pocus of pagan ritual.

I found this dress when I was routing out my winter supply of "going-out" gear. I think it may have belonged to a cousin, not too sure how I came into possession of it, but I felt like getting in the spooky spirit of things nonetheless. Added a chiffon underskirt and sequence belt for the party look.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Nail It

If there's anything I love more than polka dots, it's nail varnish. And having 10 mini canvases at my disposal, well-I'm in heavan! Still have yet to "nail" my polka dot creations (do you know how hard it is to get each invidiual dot the same size as the last!) but what do ya think? :)

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Something blue (and red and white)

I think I may actually be getting some consistency on this whole blog thing! Only two years late! Oh well.  

It reminds me; if no one is around when a tree falls down, does it make a noise? If I post something on the internet does anyone ever see it? For a while now, I think I've been using my blog as a fashion outlet, a kind of a diary or personal online scrapbook-but I wouldn't mind knowing if there's anyone out there! Is there? :)

Now, I'm def on the fence when it comes to these trousers, but I think with this outfit they just manage to work. However, I don't know where I'd wear this either-it's perhaps too summery for autumn, too bright for a night out, ah sure dressing up in my room seems about right! 

Top; birthday present,
Earrings; H&M-€7.65,
Trousers; Awear-€5,
Heels; Schuh-€80-something years ago!
Belt; hand-me-down

Saturday, 13 October 2012

My Treat

At long last I have given into the modern phenomenon that is the SmartPhone-and sure why not-aren't I a working girl now!
I love my Samsung Galaxy S2 so I do!

Friday, 12 October 2012

Something Accquired

Not only have I benefitted from that time of year when I press the refresh button on my wardrobe for a new season, but I've acquired the cast offs of my aunt's wardrobe as well! Which is almost as good as the feeling of having bought a new item of clothing-no price tag and I like the challenge of adapting something to my own taste.

 Not sure about the peaking mid-drift. I shall have to think on it before I wear this in a public place (because of the cold if nothing else!)
Thinking of doing up a poll for "Best Skirt"...have to come up with a better title first!

Broke and frustrated!

So I decided to go to Penneys and do a bit of window shopping for a pick-me-up seeing as it isn't quite Friday yet...
It didn't work. I despair at the thought of these items being snapped up and lost forever before payday!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Bargain Tip:Luck

I love this dress-palm trees for summer, leopards for winter! I guess my tip here is that sometimes there's no trick to finding a good bargain-ideally to have an "all-year-round" dress would have muted colours (beiges, light blues,peach, greens, earthy tones) so it can go with absolutely anything. It's almost as hard to find a winter coat for €10! (I do believe this coat is the one of my top ten buys)

Dress: €12, New Look
Cardy: €10, Penneys,
Blouse: hand-me-down
Socks €2.50, Penneys
Tights: Present
Coat: €10, Charity Shop

